Emotional Freedom Techniques

What is EFT Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly referred to as "EFT Tapping," is a therapeutic method that combines elements of psychology and acupressure to address various psychological issues and promote emotional healing. The technique involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on particular emotional issues or physical sensations. This process is designed to balance the energy system of the body and alleviate emotional distress, leading to improvements in psychological and physical health.

The psychophysiological nature of EFT lies in its integration of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and body-based stress reduction techniques. This multifaceted approach allows EFT to address the complex interplay between the mind and body in the following ways:

  • Cognitive Therapy Elements: EFT incorporates aspects of cognitive therapy by encouraging individuals to identify and explore their negative thoughts and beliefs. During the tapping process, practitioners often verbalize these thoughts, which helps in recognizing and challenging cognitive distortions.

  • Exposure Therapy Components: Similar to exposure therapy, EFT involves focusing on distressing memories or emotions while engaging in the tapping technique. This exposure in a safe and controlled manner can help reduce the emotional impact of past traumas or current anxieties.

  • Body-Based Stress Reduction: The physical aspect of tapping on specific meridian points is believed to help reduce bodily stress and promote relaxation. This is akin to acupressure or acupuncture, where stimulating certain points on the body is thought to balance energy flow and alleviate stress or pain.

EFT Tapping is a comprehensive therapeutic approach that addresses the interconnectedness of psychological and physiological processes. Its effectiveness is supported by a growing body of research, making it a significant and credible method in the field of psychotherapy and stress reduction.d other emotional issues.

The Tapping Points

The EFT Tapping process typically involves:

1. Identifying the Issue: First, you identify the issue you want to focus on. It could be a specific problem or emotional challenge.

2. Testing the Initial Intensity: You assess the initial intensity of the issue on a SUDS scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most intense.

3. The Setup phrase: You repeat an affirmation phrase while continuously tapping on the “Side of the Hand” point. This phrase usually acknowledges the issue and affirms self-acceptance despite it.

4. The Sequence: You tap on each of the specific meridian points (like the middle of the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, etc.) while repeating a reminder phrase about your issue.

5. Testing the Final Intensity: After completing the sequence, you rate the intensity of your issue again. The goal is to reduce the intensity level or SUDS scale to 0 or as close to it.

(TH) Top of the Head Point.

(EB) Eyebrow Point.

(SE) Side of Eye Point.

(UE) Under Eye Point.

(UN) Under Nose Point.

(CP) Chin Point.

(CB) Collar Bone Point.

(UA) Under Arm Point.

(BN) Below Nipple Point.

The Hand Points

EFT Tapping is based upon the ancient wisdom of Eastern Acupuncture, and just like acupuncture, there are many points on the body you can tap for relief.

When you tap on the points on your hands, it's like giving those areas a double boost of care, plus you get the bonus of hitting extra spots for even more comfort all in one round of EFT Tapping.

For the fingers and thumb, the special spots you're looking for are right next to your fingernails on the part of your hand that faces up.

There's also a spot on the ring finger, but this one's on the bottom side, right under the fingernail. We usually skip this one to keep things simple, so you don't have to worry about remembering to tap there.

TP - Thumb Point.

IFP - Index Finger Point

MFP - Middle Finger Point

PFP - Pinky Finger Point

Learn all about EFT Tapping with your Wellness Support Specialist

What is a SUDS score?


In Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping Sessions, the Subjective Unit of Distress Scale (SUDS) is employed as a metric to assess the intensity of a client's distress. This scale ranges from 0, indicating an absence of stress, to 10, representing the highest level of stress.

Throughout the EFT Tapping process, both the practitioner and the client aim to reduce the SUDS score to zero or a level approaching zero. It is important to note that the SUDS score is a subjective indicator and does not provide an objective measurement of stress. The critical aspect is not the score itself, but a relation to the level of distress the client is experiencing in relation to a specific issue, which serves as an indicator of either progress or the need for additional sessions.

It is also observed that the SUDS score may increase when EFT Tapping is applied to sensitive issues. This increase can be attributed to the emotional sensitivities that may arise when addressing deep-seated emotional wounds. Consequently, it is advisable to allow a minimum of two days for the client to settle before revisiting a sensitive issue, to prevent potential overwhelm.

Research indicates that, generally, once a distressing issue has been effectively addressed through EFT Tapping, the SUDS score associated with that issue tends to remain low, often close to zero. This underscores the efficacy of EFT Tapping in reducing emotional distress and maintaining a state of reduced stress post-intervention.

How quickly does EFT Tapping work?


EFT Tapping can lead to immediate stress relief symptoms in clients, such as yawning, crying, sighing, burping, or feeling tired. These signs suggest the body is transitioning from a state of stress to relaxation.

However, the journey to heal emotional wounds or phobias through EFT Tapping varies for each individual, as does the time needed for recovery. It's crucial to avoid rushing the release of stored emotions, as this can overwhelm the nervous system.

Clients beginning EFT Tapping may focus on perceived issues, but often, like an iceberg, there's more beneath the surface than initially realized.

While everyone desires quick relief from stress, the effectiveness of EFT Tapping varies; it may be swift for some and slower for others.

Common factors that can hinder the effectiveness of Individual EFT Tapping Sessions include:

  • Overbooking Individual sessions: Daily Individual sessions might not yield faster results and could lead to panic attacks or emotional shutdowns. It's important to let the body assimilate what's been processed in each session, akin to slowly releasing pressure from a shaken soda can may prevent an emotional overwhelm.

  • Addressing too many issues: In individual sessions with Eflowtion Support Services, clients set three initial goals to focus on. Constantly changing goals or adding new ones in each session can dilute the effectiveness, as each session may not fully address these evolving issues.

  • Allocating a dedicated time and space for an EFT Tapping Session: EFT Tapping serves as a tool for diminishing stress. To effectively address a specific issue, it's important to have a quiet, uninterrupted space for your session. Setting aside sufficient time to concentrate on the EFT Tapping process is crucial for effectively reducing stress related to a particular problem. Attempting to squeeze an EFT session into a short lunch break or amidst busy meeting schedules may not yield an accurate SUDS score for the issue at hand. External pressures like looming work deadlines, hunger, or frequent disruptions can exacerbate already pre-existing stress.

  • Misunderstanding EFT Tapping's nature: Unlike traditional talk therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EFT Tapping involves discussing issues to tap on but focuses more on tapping acupressure points while concentrating on distressing issues. If an EFT Tapping becomes rather a talking session it can reduce the time for tapping, thus diminishing its effectiveness. However, there is always room for a debrief before and after each session.

A Variety of EFT Tapping Techniques

Discover the transformative power of EFT Tapping Techniques! If you're struggling to express your emotions, Dion, a Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner, is here to guide you. With a personalized approach, Dion will expertly select the most effective EFT Tapping Technique tailored just for you, ensuring a journey towards emotional clarity and relief.

Here's a glimpse into the diverse range of EFT Tapping Techniques Dion is certified in:

  • Basic EFT Recipe

  • Break the Craving

  • EFT for Phobias

  • Movie Method

  • Place of Possibilities

  • Tearless Trauma Technique

  • Chasing the Pain

  • The 9 Gamut Procedure

  • Tell the Story

  • Surrogate Tapping

A Closer Look at EFT Techniques from Your Wellness Support Specialist!

Is EFT Tapping safe?


Emotional Freedom Techniques is generally recognized as safe with minimal risk of side effects. While some individuals might experience emotional reactions during sessions, no negative effects have been reported.

Studies indicate that EFT tapping can help alleviate stress, reduce cravings, enhance performance, and alleviate symptoms of various conditions.

Clinical research supports its effectiveness, showing significant physiological changes through this method, confirming its safety and efficacy for diverse groups and conditions.

Though EFT Tapping is safe it is always advisable to inform your treating team before commencing EFT Tapping as a complimentary therapy. As EFT Tapping may increase or decrease stress during its application, any medications that you’ve been prescribed may or may not be affected.

Making your EFT Tapping experience comfortable


Whether you're participating in an individual or group EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session, dedicating a specific time and space for it can enhance its effectiveness and your relaxation.

EFT Tapping may lead to emotional release, so it's wise to be prepared. Keep a glass of water and some tissues nearby in case you experience strong emotions.

If you feel tired after the session, give yourself time to rest and recover. Following the session, consider engaging in healthy activities like:

  • Going for a relaxing walk

  • Taking a nap

  • Listening to music you enjoy

  • Dancing

  • Singing

  • Spend time with pets.

  • Partaking in a favourite hobby or physical activity.

  • Enjoying a healthy meal.

EFT Tapping as a Stress Management Technique

EFT Tapping, an effective stress reduction tool, may result in a profound sense of relaxation or deep meditation post-session.

This occurs as the body releases accumulated tension and stress, which often consumes significant physical and mental energy.

Similar to the experience of a physical massage, the process of releasing stress through EFT Tapping can lead to a state of mental tranquillity, akin to receiving an 'emotional massage', as one permits stress to dissipate naturally.

Meridian Lines or Primo Vascular System?


Recent research has revitalized interest in the physiological mechanisms underlying Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping, particularly through the exploration of the primo-vascular system. This system, initially proposed in the 1960s by Korean scientist Kim Bong-Han and further investigated in recent studies, is suggested to provide a physical basis for the meridian system used in traditional acupuncture and EFT. The use of tracer dyes in contemporary research has demonstrated a close alignment between this newly identified vascular system and traditional acupuncture points. This alignment offers a potential explanation for how EFT might exert its therapeutic effects, suggesting that tapping on these points could facilitate the transmission of electrical signals within the body, thereby promoting health and well-being.

Visual evidence from surgeries that have utilized staining techniques to highlight these vascular systems has provided compelling physical proof of structures corresponding to acupuncture points. This evidence supports the hypothesis that EFT operates by interacting with a tangible, physiological system within the body. The identification of these structures not only bolsters the credibility of EFT as a therapeutic intervention but also bridges the gap between traditional healing practices and modern scientific understanding.

This detailed investigation into the scientific foundations of EFT, underscored by the discovery of the primo-vascular system, presents convincing evidence of the technique's effectiveness. By establishing a concrete physiological mechanism through which EFT and acupuncture exert their effects, this research enhances the acceptance and utilization of these practices in the treatment of psychological and physical ailments. The convergence of traditional knowledge and contemporary scientific findings enriches our understanding of the body's healing processes, offering promising avenues for holistic health treatment.

Brief History of EFT Tapping

  • The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, has its origins in ancient Chinese medicine, specifically the development of acupuncture.

  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT) was invented in the early 1980s by an American psychologist named Roger Callahan. Roger integrated his knowledge of Applied Kinesiology and the meridian system of acupuncture to address various emotional issues and phobias.

  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as tapping, was developed in the early 1990s by Gary Craig, an engineer at Stanford University. Craig designed EFT as a simplified version of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), which was created by psychologist Roger Callahan in the 1980s. EFT tapping combines elements of cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and acupressure to address various psychological issues and physical pain.