Individual EFT Tapping

Do the echoes of past experiences cast a shadow over your present?

Embark on a transformative journey towards peace and empowerment. If the weight of past memories is holding you back, know that relief is within your reach.

As a certified EFT Practitioner, who has personally navigated the complexities of CPTSD, I offer a unique blend of expertise and empathy.

My approach goes beyond just alleviating stress with diverse EFT Tapping techniques; it's about fostering deep understanding, genuine empathy, and real, lasting change.

Together, we can turn a lifetime of stress into a future of calm and strength.

Whether we realize it or not, it is our woundedness, or how we cope with it, that dictates much of our behaviour, shapes our social habits, and informs our ways of thinking about the world.”

— Dr. Gabor Maté

The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture

Why EFT Tapping is More Than Just a Technique

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping focuses on the part of the brain that controls emotions and stress. It involves tapping on certain points on the body while talking about emotional issues and using positive affirmations. This process helps to calm the brain and reduce stress, which could lower anxiety and emotional distress. EFT combines physical touch with changing the way we think about emotions, which helps us process and change the way our brain stores memories.

Transform Your Life from Wherever You Are

Imagine the freedom of managing stress and overcoming past traumas without disrupting your daily routine. Online EFT Tapping sessions offer this flexibility, allowing you to focus on your healing without additional stressors.

In our busy lives, finding a moment for self-care can often be challenging. As a Wellness Support Specialist and certified EFT Practitioner, I understand this and offer a solution: personalised EFT Tapping sessions conducted conveniently and comfortably via Zoom. This allows you to access effective stress-reduction techniques from wherever you are, without the need to travel or rearrange your schedule.

Embrace the convenience and comfort of receiving personalized support without leaving your home. My online sessions are designed to fit seamlessly into your life, making your journey to wellness both accessible and enjoyable!

Why Zoom EFT Tapping Sessions Are Perfect for You

  • Convenience at Your Fingertips: No need to worry about travel time or logistics. Connect with me from your home, office, or any quiet space of your choice.

  • Familiar and Secure Platform: Zoom is a user-friendly and secure platform, ensuring your privacy while providing a comfortable space for our sessions.

  • Flexibility for Your Lifestyle: Schedule your sessions at times that work best for you, offering the flexibility to maintain your daily routine while prioritizing your wellness.

Imagine a Life Free from the Weight of Past Stress

Picture waking up each day feeling lighter, unburdened by the stress of past experiences. Imagine facing life's challenges with newfound resilience and calm. This isn't just a dream; it's a possibility with EFT Tapping. Together, we can unlock the door to a more peaceful and empowered existence.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

— Lao Tzu

Individual EFT Services


Individual EFT Session

Unlock the path to personal transformation with our Individual EFT Tapping Sessions. Each 60-minute session is a personalized journey into emotional healing, stress relief, and self-discovery. Tailored to meet your unique needs, these sessions offer a safe and supportive space to explore and release the emotional and physical barriers that may be holding you back.

1 x 60 Minute Session


Growth EFT Package

The Growth EFT Package is designed for individuals who are looking to deepen their sessions. Ideal for those seeking to make significant changes in their personal or professional lives.

4 x 60 Minute Sessions


Thriving EFT Package

The Thriving EFT Package is for individuals dedicated to releasing emotional stress and embracing a life of peace and balance.

6 x 60 Minute Sessions

Book an Individual Session.

Three Simple Steps to Begin Your Journey

  • Schedule Your EFT Tapping Session.

  • Fill out and submit the Informed Consent form prior to your initial session. This will be emailed to you. Check your all email folders if you have not received one yet.

  • Prepare for Your Online Zoom EFT Tapping Session. Choose a peaceful and comfortable area where you can engage in the session without disturbances.

During the session, Dion will lead you through the EFT Tapping Points and various Emotional Freedom Techniques, focusing on alleviating stress related to your specific objectives or restrictive beliefs.

If you have purchased a package you will automatically receive a coupon code which you can use to purchase the total amount of sessions within the chosen package. You can book all sessions ahead of time or use the code to book as you go.


Discover EFT Tapping

Dion has been sharing complimentary EFT Tapping tutorials on the Eflowtion Support Services YouTube channel since the inception of the business. If you're new to EFT Tapping, consider joining Dion in a session to experience the seamless way to alleviate stress through EFT Tapping.


Why Choose Individual Sessions Over YouTube Videos?

  • Personalized Attention: In individual sessions, I focus solely on you and your specific needs, offering a level of attention and care that general videos cannot provide. This personalized approach ensures that the techniques and strategies are tailored to your unique emotional and stress-related challenges.

  • Interactive and Responsive: Unlike pre-recorded videos, individual sessions allow for real-time interaction. You can ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and have the session adapted to your responses, ensuring a more effective and dynamic experience.

  • Deeper Level of Support: Individual sessions provide an opportunity to delve deeper into your specific issues. I can help you uncover and address underlying patterns and triggers that generic videos may not touch upon.

  • Confidentiality and Safety: In a one-on-one setting, you can share and explore your feelings in a confidential and safe environment. This level of privacy is not possible with public YouTube videos.

  • Progress Tracking: With regular individual sessions, I can monitor your progress, adjust techniques as needed, and provide consistent support and guidance on your journey to wellness.

Start Your Path to Emotional Freedom Today

Imagine the relief of reducing stress and addressing emotional burdens without adding the stress of commuting or waiting in an office. My Zoom EFT Tapping sessions offer you this peace and convenience. Are You Ready to Transform Your Life from the Comfort of Your Own Space? Book Your Zoom EFT Tapping Session Now.