Your Wellness Support Specialist

Understanding Beyond Words

Have you ever felt misunderstood when discussing your problems with someone, as if there's a gap between what you say and what you truly feel?

Or perhaps the other person is not quite getting it?

Dion is someone who often grasps the depth of your issues more than you might initially recognise.

A Decade of Empathy and Support

With around 14 years of experience, Dion has been a dedicated Mental Health and Disability Support Worker.

His work spans various settings, including individual homes, community centers, transitional housing, and aiding people transitioning from long-term correctional or mental health institutions.

This diverse background has endowed Dion with firsthand experience in addressing a wide range of emotional challenges.

Trials to Triumphs

Dion has faced many personal struggles in his life, including moving from New Zealand to Australia as a child, experiencing the tragic loss of his sister and her unborn twins, dealing with his parents' separation, and enduring emotional manipulation and abuse while growing up.

Additionally, he struggled with misdiagnosis and improper treatment for Schizoaffective disorder and Absence Seizures by the medical community.

Journey Through Misdiagnosis to Healing

On his journey through CPTSD and recovery, Dion was correctly diagnosed with CPTSD, and his supposed Absence Seizures were reevaluated to show as disassociation due to trauma. He gradually discontinued all medication and embarked on a path to become an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner.

Driven by an intuitive curiosity, he immersed himself in trauma-informed knowledge, exploring various treatment methods but consistently finding value in EFT Tapping.

Embracing Healing Through EFT

As a skilled EFT Tapping Practitioner, Dion uses EFT to successfully help alleviate the stress of his own challenges.

Additionally, he established Eflowtion Support Services, extending his expertise to individuals worldwide.

His extensive background in support work has provided him with firsthand insights into the real-world challenges people encounter, enriching and grounding his EFT Tapping practice in directly addressing these obstacles.

Empathy Born of Experience

Dion's ability to empathise and understand stems from his extensive experience in assisting others with their emotional challenges.

His journey through personal and professional challenges has equipped him with compassion, kindness, and a non-judgmental approach.

Dion is committed to supporting your well-being, helping you navigate life's flow more smoothly.

Energy in motion = Eflowtion

Let stress go with the flow!