Living with CPTSD

I faintly recall that this YouTube video was a spontaneous decision, rather than the planned content for that day. The original concept I intended to shoot slips my mind, and I'm not even sure if it came to fruition. However, I distinctly remember halting my return to the car, settling beside an open track, taking out my phone, and beginning to record.

Up to that moment, I hadn't created a video where I directly discussed living with CPTSD. While I had acknowledged experiencing CPTSD symptoms and certainly focused on trauma recovery in previous EFT Tapping videos and discussions, the idea of making a video specifically about CPTSD hadn't crossed my mind.

Nevertheless, I'm thankful I made that video. It not only connected with thousands of people but also encouraged me to share my extensive knowledge and personal experiences, which I hadn't realized would interest others.

This led me to openly share more about my journey with CPTSD, including how I developed it, further enriching the conversation around the subject.

My aim is not just to share my story but to illuminate the path for others who might be navigating similar turbulent waters.

CPTSD, as I've come to understand it, is markedly different from its more widely recognised counterpart, PTSD. While PTSD often stems from a single, traumatic event, CPTSD arises from prolonged exposure to distressing situations, such as enduring abuse or neglect over an extended period. This distinction is crucial, as it underscores the complex and enduring impact of such trauma on an individual's mental health and well-being.

My personal journey with CPTSD has been fraught with challenges, including being misdiagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and epilepsy. These misdiagnoses were later understood as manifestations of CPTSD and dissociation, highlighting the intricate ways in which trauma can mask itself. The road to this understanding was long and winding, marked by moments of despair and enlightenment.

One of the most profound realisations I've had is recognising how trauma can be inflicted through what appears as kindness. Manipulation, often cloaked in benevolence, can bind a victim to their abuser, creating a cycle of dependency that is hard to break. This realisation shed light on the importance of understanding the varied forms trauma can take and its long-term effects on mental health.

At Eflowtion Support Services, we strive to offer insights into CPTSD from a personal perspective, emphasising the importance of recognising these nuances. Our services, including EFT Tapping sessions, are designed to provide support and guidance for those seeking to understand and heal from their trauma.

The journey towards healing is not linear. It involves connecting with genuinely caring individuals, engaging in effective healing practices like EFT Tapping, and, most importantly, fostering an awareness of one's trauma and its impacts. This awareness is a double-edged sword; it brings the pain of understanding the depth of one's wounds but also the power to initiate change.

Despite the ongoing nature of dealing with CPTSD, I've learned the importance of hope and resilience. Awareness of my condition has allowed me to understand others better and to use my experiences as tools for helping others. This has not made my life easier, but it has given me a sense of purpose and direction.

As I continue to share my experiences with CPTSD, I do so with the intention of offering support, understanding, and encouragement to others on their healing journeys. The path may be fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth and healing.

To anyone navigating their own journey with trauma, know that you are not alone. There is hope, and there is a path forward. It may not be easy, but with awareness, support, and the right tools, healing is possible. Let's walk this path together, towards a future where we can embrace our experiences, learn from them, and find peace.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story. If you're struggling with CPTSD or any form of trauma, remember, there is support available. You deserve to heal, to grow, and to live a life free from the shadows of your past.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I am not a clinical professional, and this content should not be considered medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.


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